Have you liked a lot of us fall short of liveliness in the life that you are living? When was the last time when you lost vitality and animation or have been at ill gusto with a misery call? It is very likely that exhilaration and glee must have taken the other sides if the injury, physical or emotional, has hit you hard and you seep downwards and below in this labyrinth of distress and discomfort. And when you break it all and fall thud on your own feet, you know that you are the ‘only’ that you have, no matter how much help your closest ones furnish for you hitherto with therapeutic sharpness.
This article will not help you to find your way back to yourself and sort out your fractured life. Don’t we need something to ally our thoughts to, that exactly tells us what the rupture has stimulated in your happy life and what is the ‘low’ that you go through? ‘Time shall heal’ is what we preach, but does time really heal? With the passage of time, when you think that you have overcome your distress and you just catch up on a different demeanor, something keeps on holding you back and infiltrates into your mind the small things that somehow cause you to hit rock bottom and leave you tormented. Flat-out hitting rock bottom- emotionally, financially, mentally & spiritually- is agonizing because you know you will have to pick up the pieces and be in the race again.
Crashes are painful in every way, for it leaves no choice but to face the self brutally, painfully, and honestly. But on a 20/20 hindsight, we can tell you why hitting the end of the pool is important for everyone, at least for once in life. You realize that hitting rock bottom was not only inevitable but necessary because those behaviors were simply not conducive to your growth. On top of that, and perhaps most importantly, all the roles you’d been playing pop into your conscious awareness. It becomes clear that you’ve been a kind of puppet, playing the same role over and over, creating the same dynamics over and over and keeping the drama going, like a well-paid actor in a soap opera. It’s not until you break the mound and start the journey back to your true self that you stop playing those old scratched records and begin to create new conscious outcomes.
You just realize how far off course you were and that your life choices were simply not sustainable. It’s in those dark moments of despair that your anger and frustration become so great, that you declare once and for all, never to accept such mediocrity from yourself or from others ever again. Not falling apart gives you no check on your dysfunctions, playing out under the denial radar and inevitably creating bigger dysfunctions and a harder fall down the track. Until the bubble bursts, you cleverly delude yourself into thinking everything is just great and your life ends up being built on a big fat lie and a false foundation. A renewed sense of clarity is something that gives you fresh perspectives in life.
It was your ego running the show with grandiose ideas about what you could do, not realizing you didn’t yet have the foundation to successfully accomplish those things. That’s when your ego begins to loosen its death grip on you, and you start to trust life and choose to live in the present moment more often. As you surrender to your higher self more and more, you come into alignment with your right purpose and right life path. And if feels good. You gain humility and know very little and you decide to become a student of life rather than a juror. You’re able to let go of everything because nothing is working anyway! Letting go of the old creates space for the new and soon new ideas, people, opportunities, talents and gifts start to flood into your experience. As you empty your cup, so to speak, you fill it back up with stuff that you actually want, instead of accepting what was unconsciously passed onto you. Life hands you a fresh cup of reality. After you’ve hit the bricks, you, perhaps for the first time, begin to accept full responsibility for all the outcomes in your life. You see that blaming is futile, that complaining is dumb & that making excuses is for the unenlightened. You realize it was you who created all the good and all the bad in your life and only you can pull yourself out of the dark hole you dug for yourself so you can finally become whole.
Hitting the bottom wakes you up to how you were relying on externals to make you happy. Instead of needing outside validation, you begin to trust yourself and start the journey within to find your own sense of self, your own sense of purpose, and your own validation. This new inner sanctuary becomes the foundation for your new happy and meaningful life. Simple things like, a smile from a stranger, fresh food in the fridge, warm clothes on your body, a comfy bed, your good health, all become things to treasure. The gems mined in your darkest moments are what give you depth, courage, wisdom, and a richness that can’t be learned elsewhere.
If you’ve ever been at the bottom and bounced back to tell the story, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you’re currently sitting on rock bottom and still chafing your behind, you’re probably cursing this post, but as someone who’s been there, done that, got the t-shirt, I can tell you that you’ll thank the experience in years to come as the best thing that ever happened to you. And hey, cheers in advance to solid ground.
– Aayushi, Editorial