Delhi University released the notification on its official website regarding Delhi University Student’s Union (DUSU) elections for the year 2024-25. The announcement is made by Dehi University Registrar, Vikas Gupta, on August 29, 2024. It is scheduled to be held on the last week of September.
Professor Satyapal Singh, who is currently working as a senior faculty member in the Department of Sanskrit, has been appointed as the Chief Election Officer for the conduct of the students’ union polls for the years 2024–25. Along with him, Prof. Raj Kishore Sharma of the Chemistry Department and Dr. Rajesh Singh of the University Library have been decided for the posts of Chief Retuning Officer and Returning Officer, respectively.
As per the notification published, the principals of the colleges and heads of the institutions affiliated with DUSU have also been appointed by the Vice Chancellor as election officers for the conduct of the election of office bearers and members of the Central Council of DUSU in their respective colleges and institutions for the years 2024–25.
Last year elections were held on September 22, 2023. Out of four major posts (President, Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary), three were secured by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), while one post was won by the National Student’s Union of India (NSUI).
Delhi University always takes various measures to conduct DUSU elections in a free and fair manner. This is done to ensure trust in the democratic process and encourage higher student participation. Maintaining transparency in the election process is crucial, as student representatives reflect the will of the student body.
After the notification was published, now all the Delhi University students are eagerly waiting for the upcoming elections.