Board Exam 2024 dates announced by CBSE.

The Central Board of Secondary Education has announced the dates for the board examination that would be conducted in the year 2024 for classes 10th and 12th.The duration of exams would last for nearly 55 days that would be starting from the 15th of February 2024 till April 10th, 2024.

The date sheets were announced for both 10th and 12th classes which can now be accessed by the students on the official website –

In the notification released by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), they stated that all the organizations and schools that would be holding the examinations now have been requested to fix the dates of their particular exams according to the schedule of the board exams.

This year, 2023, CBSE conducted its exams from 15th February 2023 to 21st March 2023 for class 10th and the date for class 12th were from February 15th to 5th of April. Following the exams, the results for both classes were declared on 12th May 2023.

The passing percentage of overall students in class 12th was nearly 87.33 percent, whereas class 10th overall percentage of passing students stood at 93.12 percent.

This year nearly 16 Lakh students took the exams for class 12th and 21 lakh students were recorded for the class 10th board exam.

According to the record of the previous years, the passing percentage in class 12th had a drop of 5.38 percent whereas class 10th saw a drop of 1.28 percent. If compared according to the gender the passing percentage was seen higher in girls for both classes 10th and 12th.

To avoid an unhealthy environment and unwanted competition between students, this year, The Central Board of Secondary Education would not be releasing a merit list. The exam that used to be conducted for the papers that could not be cleared by the students was previously known as compartment exams, but from now onwards these exams would be known as supplementary exams.

To download the official notice here are the steps that one can follow if they wish to download for any further reference.

Step 1 – visit the official website of CBSE:

Step 2 – you would be directed to the homepage where now you have to click – CBSE Board Exams 2024 notice

Step 3 – a PDF would be opened where you can check the details.

Step 4 – you would be having a download option where you can keep the copy for any further reference.

You can also click here for the notice – ( )

further, the CBSE board disclosed that they are preparing to start the Supplementary examinations from July 17th, 2023 for both 10th and 12th classes based on the syllabus recommended for the exams. It would be conducted for 5 days and would be ending by 22nd July 2023.


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