The DU is intended to allow “foreigners” from all age groups to study on campus

The University of Delhi (DU) stands ready to allow “foreigners” of all age groups, including the elderly, mid-career professionals and students currently enrolled in other universities, to study up to two courses in one semester in DU with his regular students.

“Now the university is open to all citizens, if you want to study a course, please come, and enroll in a course. But you must take courses with regular students, give examinations with them”, Vice-Chancellor Yogesh Singh say in an interview.

The move is part of the DU’s Competence Enhancement Scheme (CES), which was approve by the Executive Board last month. The Scheme will start from January 1, 2023. Program registrants will receive a certificate attesting that they have successfully complete a course. And earn credits would be add to the university credit bank, which stores them numerically.

Everyone will be eligible, as long as they meet the eligibility criteria for a specific program, if necessary. However, if the institute receives more requests than the number of available seats, students with greater merit will be consider. Everyone will be eligible to apply, “Superior merit” will be determine by class 12 degrees for undergraduate programs, and academic degrees for graduate programs.

Since universities and school boards have become more liberal in awarding marks, DU, the V-C said, is deliberating a ‘merit cum seniority’ model. And possibly reserve half the seats for senior citizens. “The detail modality for the procedure is yet to be confirm but we are sure that merit should not be sole criteria (for admission),” said Professor K. Ratnabali, Dean of Academic Activities and Projects.

If the student is already enroll in a different university/institution or has a job. He will have to provide a “No objection Certificate” from that institution or employer at the time of registration.

Registration would be available for all courses offer at the DU at launch.

The number of seats in each course under this scheme would be supernumerary. In nature, that is, beyond the sanctioned seat strength for a program.

Although courses fees are undecide, the V-C indicated that the fees would be nominal. “It would cost approximately Rs 5000- Rs 10,000. Rather, it is a social service, “he said.



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