Firstly, congratulations on getting into any college ever. You made it! The prospect of graduating from school and entering a new institution altogether is a very scary thought. It throws you completely out of your comfort zone and makes you realize that there is life much beyond your school. However, once you enter college, there is no turning back. College opens a plethora of opportunities and events for all of us to take advantage of and explore, other than our regular studies of course. What is important is how much you harness the opportunities served to you on a platter.
Here are some tips on how you can make your college life a little more productive (also 10 times more interesting).
- Join a society
Studies in college are important but equally important is co-curricular. College shapes our personality, and how it becomes a very important part of how we develop. Philosophy aside, the point is joining college societies helps you grow as a person. It helps you develop beyond the regular academics that we all pursue. It helps you think differently. It might not be a heavy all-day practicing society, but there are various other societies that give you equal exposure and might not be that taxing. Also, a great boost to your CV!
- Do internships
- Participate in as many activities as possible
- Join an NGO
- Explore yourself
It is upon you how you develop yourself. Study, but do much more than that as well. Go and eat out, stay in college till 6 and chat with friends, go on trips, try to participate in everything and try to get the best out of your college life.
– Editorial, University Times
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