In Students’ Interest : DU Allows Colleges To Hire Teaching Staff Sans Regular Principal

The Delhi University in a notification dated August 31 informs its 32 colleges that they are free to appoint teachers even if they do not have a “regular principal”. DU said it has “reviewed” its previous directive “in the larger interest of the students”.

Seven teachers of DU’s Academics for Action and Development in may had written to Vice-Chancellor Yogesh Singh, urging him to “review” the suspension. The teachers, point out that several colleges were already short-staffed and the directive would adversely affect the quality of the teaching-learning process. Further, they assert that the delay in the permanent appointments of principals must not impair education.

A couple of days ago in the recent notification DU said, “It has now been decided that the College(s)/Institution(s), wherever the Acting/Officiating Principal(s) are in position may go ahead in advertising the teaching posts only in various disciplines in the larger interests of the students.”

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