DU reviews order & allows colleges without permanent principals to appoint teachers

Delhi University (DU) has allowed colleges to go ahead with appointing teachers even if they do not have permanent principals more than after three months. Earlier, the university directed colleges to put a stop to any appointment of teaching or non-teaching staff until they completed the appointment of a regular principal.

The assistant registrar (colleges) wrote to the governing body chairpersons of all DU colleges on Wednesday stating that “in the larger interest of students”, colleges with officiating principals may go ahead with advertising teaching posts particularly in reference to the academic year 2022-2023.

The halt in appointment of non-teaching staff still continues to persist in these colleges. The university had issued its order stopping all appointments whether regular, ad hoc or guest in these colleges. Stating the aim of expediting the appointment of permanent principals.

However, a section of DU teachers had been writing to the vice-chancellor appealing against the move to stop appointments in these colleges.


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