The Vice-Chancellor of the Delhi University (DU) Yogesh Singh on Monday informed that the Delhi High Court has accepted the university’s position on admission for St Stephens category unreservedly. The order of the Delhi High Court of 12 September. Stated that St Stephens cannot conduct interviews for the admission of non-minority students. In its judgement, the court ordered the institute to give a notice declaring the change in the admission process.
The Court has agreed to the stand of the University of Delhi and now for non-minority seats, 100 percent of students will be admit through CUET,” DU VC said.
When other students are being admit through CUET scores, then St Stephens should also follow the same procedure. Minority students may have alternate means but for other students, the same ‘formula’ should be use.
The Delhi University (DU) Vice-Chancellor Yogesh Singh Monday informed that the Delhi High Court has agreed with the university’s stand. On admissions for St Stephens unreserved category.
The Delhi High Court order on September 12 said that St Stephens cannot conduct interviews for the admission of non-minority students. They announced in April that they would rate the CRNE at 85% and the interview at 15%.
“The petitioner college shall follow the directive that 100 percent weightage must be given to CUET-2022 score. For admission of students belonging to the non-minority category. Applying to undergraduate courses” said the HC judgement headed by Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Subramonium Prasad.