On Monday, the Delhi high court ruled that admission of the non-minority students for undergraduate courses at St Stephen’s College will take place completely on the basis of the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) score, clarifying that no interviews would be conducted for the admissions.
“The petitioner college is therefore directed to follow the admission policy for the year 2022-23 as formulated by the Delhi University (DU) to this extent. Further, in accordance to the subsequent communication of May 25, the college must withdraw its admission prospectus and issue a public notice declaring the amended admission procedure, “a bench of chief justice Sharma and justice Prasad stated in a judgment.
However, the bench said that Delhi University (DU) cannot insist upon a single merit list for admission of candidates belonging to Christian community regardless of any denomination, sub sex, sub-activities within the Christian community.
The college has said that it will only give 85% weightage to the entrance test and will give 15% weightage to a personal interview of candidates. While the Delhi University has asked institutes to grant admissions to general/unreserved seats based solely on CUET scores. Thus, the college is challenging the university’s letter asking it to withdraw its prospectus for the undergraduate courses for the academic year 2022-23. The court will now hear the matter on July 6.