Coping with Betrayal: 8 ways


  • It’s difficult to experience betrayal, and you’ll probably experience a range of conflicting and overwhelming feelings. These suggestions can assist you in discovering a strategy that works if you’re unsure how to handle betrayal.
  • Your daily activities and mental health may be affected if you don’t discover a means to mend. As you learn to handle problems with the people you care about, healing can make you stronger.
  • Being kind to yourself will help you get past the difficulty of being betrayed.

“If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you’re allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.”
― Shannon L. Alder

When someone breaks your faith in them, you are being betrayed. You can feel overburdened by the complicated emotions that betrayal can bring about.

You may face betrayal from friends, family, or romantic partners. You can be left wondering how to deal with betrayal and go on after this experience.

Even though it can be difficult to manage your feelings, you can recover and move past the painful feelings. Consider the following tips to manage the negative sentiments that are typically associated with betrayal-related feelings.


  1. Speak to someone you can trust:

Getting your thoughts together in order to talk about the situation with someone you can trust could be therapeutic and beneficial. You can seek help from a close friend or loved one, but if talking to people you know makes you uncomfortable, you can also see a therapist.

  1. Exercise self-care:

Taking good care of your body might aid in your recovery from betrayal. According to Rebecca Capps, a licenced therapist and wellness coach, “Self-care after betrayal can include eating balanced meals, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.”

In addition to looking after your physical health, it can be beneficial to unwind and soothe your mind. Consider taking a bath or turning on some calming music if you discover that you are thinking excessively when resting in bed. In addition, you can use your interests to improve your mood.

  1. Recognise and accept:

Recognising the circumstance can help you manage; denying the betrayal won’t. After accepting what happened and explaining it, you can move on. You can feel your emotions and process them when you accept them.

  1. Not yourself to blame:

When recovering from betrayal, you could question whether you were to blame. Consider reminding yourself whenever required that this kind of thinking is harmful and can prevent you from healing. No matter what happened between you, the betrayer is the only one who deserves blame.

  1. Be patience with yourself:

You can’t rush the process of recovering from betrayal, so have patience with yourself. For a while, it could take over your life, but if you keep working to get through it, you’ll start to feel better every day. Try to be patient.

  1. Give yourself some distance from the person who deceived you:

Recovering from betrayal is challenging enough without the presence of the person who damaged you. Asking them to give you some time to analyse and think about the situation can be a good idea.

Limiting the amount of information, you learn about a person in order to give yourself space is sometimes necessary. To stop updates, you might ask your friends who are friends to leave them out of social media posts.

  1. Learn to forgive:

When someone betrays you, you can forgive them, but that doesn’t make what they did right. Instead, it indicates that you are choosing personal peace and letting go of grudges.

You can improve your wellbeing by feeling empathy and compassion when you are able to forgive. According to experts, it can:

  • lowering the blood pressure
  • reduced heart rate
  • reduce stress and sadness
  • to better heart health

Additionally, forgiving someone does not obligate you to accept them back into your life. You don’t have to mend fences with someone to forgive them.

  1. Avoid taking revenge:

Having your trust abused is tremendously painful, and you might desire to exact revenge on the offender. But getting even is bad, and you’ll probably regret it.

It’s best to try to shift your emphasis away from retribution because it hinders your healing and produces negative thoughts. Even if you feel like they should be punished, it won’t make things better or make you feel better.


There are various forms of betrayal, each of which has a different impact on you. These consist of treachery in the following kinds of connections: friends in a relationship, family, coworkers, etc.


Experts refer to the suffering caused by intimate betrayal as “Trusted Source betrayal trauma.” Depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can result from it.

Additionally, it might lower one’s self-esteem and foster future mistrust. The following are warning symptoms of trauma caused by betrayal:

  • a hard time controlling emotion
  • mental illness problems
  • bodily discomfort a lack of trust in others
  • addiction issues attachment issues
  • disconnected from reality

A close friend’s betrayal can be upsetting because friendships are crucial for both physical and emotional wellbeing. Having them in your life might reduce stress and give you a sense of belonging.You may not be as receptive to new connections when they fail to stand up for you, fail to defend you, or betray you in some other way.

When strong relationships between family members are compromised, betrayal from them might cause a loss of emotional control. Additionally, it may result in combative actions and unfavourable communication.

You may experience a lack of support and meaningful connections when you are betrayed. You could:

  • Attack in rage
  • Shame on you
  • drop your confidence
  • Withdrawal of the heart


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